1. Tax Planning & Preparation

Many individuals don’t understand their tax situation or why they pay what they pay in taxes.

With over 80% of taxpayers paying more than they have to, one would ask why. The reason is simple: they don’t plan.

The majority of taxpayers, don’t discuss their situation with their tax preparers. They just drop their paperwork and assume whoever is preparing the return is doing the best job possible.

That’s not how Hunter Chase does taxes—that’s why the Average Hunter Chase client pays about 25% less than the national average in taxes every year.

Through out partnerships, we assist our clients with making financial moves fore their future. We are far from a once a year tax shop. The average individual tax clients, interacts with us 6 times a year.

Tax appointment & Consultations can be made online.

2. Asset Protection &


state Planning

If something were to happen to you tomorrow, what will your family do?

68% of Americans don’t have a will, most believe trusts are only for “rich people,” and many never even think about their estate.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans assume that Medicaid will take care of their health needs when they retire, only to find their assets being drained to cover their medical costs.

Protect what you worked for, and have a conversation about protecting your assets and planning for your future and the future of your loved ones.

Contact us today and and let’s talk.

3. Tax Controversy & Resolution

If you owe the IRS or State Money, you probably don’t want to talk about it.

But worse, you don’t want your bank account levied or paycheck garnished.

Penalties and interest don’t stop when you ignore the matter, and the problem won’t disappear on its own.

If you’re under audit, the worst thing you can do it ignore it. Tax Help 24/7 joined the Hunter Chase Group and can assist you with digging yourself out of the tax collection machine or resolve an audit issue.

Visit Tax Help 24/7 and start restoring your peace of mind.